September 16, 2012

Tennis - Online Game

Tennis is a game ball held between two players (singles) or two pairs (pairs game) with bat and ball in the open. Tennis is an Olympic sport played in many countries around the world. The game is also called "white sport". The name "tennis" Old French - "! Tenez"; Hebrew "Hold!, Receive!". The monks were the first who invented the game grand to their conceptual world halls were monasteries. 13th century - played with palm halls under the work on of extra rules adapted religious concepts. Monks invented the game hands - Jeu de Paume prior to tennis.

More in the sixteenth century was greeted enthusiastically playing tennis courts of kings. Henry Viii of England was an enthusiast of this game. Tennis, spread in France, also came to Europe. Played in general halls. Even kings and nobles played it in names like court tennis, royal tennis, real tenis. Duke of York (Prince James) playing tennis Royale (1622). The game also spread among the masses who played him in the streets Keep a lot of money, until the monarchy was forced to boycott the game.

Ad One explanation lies in the extra tennis games may be lucky, when habitancy threw coins aged 15 - 30 - 40 - 60 Sue (the old French coin). 45 French accents on 2 words (Kront - Cinq) that interrupted the continuation and 60 was unnecessary because here was the winning pot. (Game = jeu). Law clock may be affected too. There are also those who claim the contrary, to discourage the masses from the game Sglo complicated method of counting, but this hypothesis faint. Bat past incarnations began glove, short wooden racquets which moderately lengthened. The gut strings made of various materials and other animals.

Before 1962 the tennis industry is thought about an amateur sport, in - in 1962 began a estimate of tennis players to come to be professionals and play tennis exhibition games in front of an audience who paid money for watching the games. Also, the most prestigious Grand Slam tournaments were tournaments for amateur players only and come to be a expert player was not allowed to share in tournaments.

In 1968 trade rumors because of pressure amateur tennis players received money for their participation in the Grand Slam tournaments, reached the decision to institutionalize the idea of allowing open competition for all expert or amateur player to share in prestigious tournaments. After determining the idea competition is open to the television broadcast began playing tennis, which soon became popular throughout the world. New Age also be world-class tennis players make a decent living from playing tennis straight through participation in major tournaments. The game played with a racket frame made of mild steel (previously ready wooden frames) with a network of cord plastic tendons which pound the ball. Rubber ball made of flexible coated fabric called "Knapp" or "output", the diameter of the ball is about 5 cm and its color is commonly enchanting yellow. There is no time limit to play tennis.

The game took place on a flat outside made of grass, clay, asphalt or rubber bounded by lines painted on the ground and form a rectangle. Distance field is 23.77 meters, width varies: individual game 8.23 m, while pairs of 10.97 yards per game. Network across the field at a height of 91.4 cm made of thin cloth hanging ropes on both sides of the court pages. When the game was held areas of the field pairs, add the areas of the field expand the area of the game. The game can be held in terminated or open stadium.

Tennis ball is a ball used in relatively small balls and other ball games. Stuffed ball in the air (vacuum method), although there are also extra ammunition (bullets Traton) which play a white powder of pellets that enlarge when hitting the air pressure keeping a uniform ball. These balls hard than usual. Tennis balls are generally yellow glow. The objective is to hit a ball with racket over the net to the other side of the lot within the lot are marked on the ground, after no more than one touch of the ball on one side and touching one of the lot with the bat.

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